Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Partial Solar Eclipse [June 2021]

 10th June saw a Partial Solar Eclipse in the UK. Naturally despite a period of hot, clear weather in weeks leading up, I woke up to solid cloud. Checking the weather apps there was a tease of possible period of clear sky but I was beginning to think this was unlikly. 

I was very lucky with period of 20 mins of partial clouds where I was able to see it. Thankfully this was just before the time it reached its maximum. The picture above is the taken using my DSLR with Solar Filter on. 

Settings used were:


Exposure Time: 1/250

ISO 200

Overall I'm pretty happy with how the image turned out, given I started the morning thinking there was going to be no change of seeing it. If I compare the image to the one below, which I took back in March 2015 but was using a different camera and didn't really know what I was doing.